I thought you might like to see some of these oldies but goodies as well. (And, you might get a kick out of some of the stellar photography. Ha.) I'm kicking off Way Back Wednesday today; I'll share recipes and cookies from this week in years past. Let me know what you think!
From 2012, Soft Sugar Cookies

I made these for an online baby shower...they were quite the rage in 2012. People still talk to me about these cookies to this day. They're made with half butter/half Crisco. Don't even ask if you can swap out for all butter. You can, but they won't be the same cookies.
I made these for an online baby shower...they were quite the rage in 2012. People still talk to me about these cookies to this day. They're made with half butter/half Crisco. Don't even ask if you can swap out for all butter. You can, but they won't be the same cookies.
From 2017, Fall Latte and Donut Cookies

So simple, but so cute! I love this set...and now I want a latte, a donut, AND a cookie!

So simple, but so cute! I love this set...and now I want a latte, a donut, AND a cookie!
So, what do you think? Do you like revisiting some old treasures?