If you're looking for a cut-out sugar cookie recipe for your holiday baking, birthday parties, baby showers, wedding favors, you name it...
I admit it.  I don't like watermelon. {Are we still friends?} What if I told you that I like watermelon-FLAVORED food?  Are we frien...
Are you missing Hostess?  Maybe not even the snack cakes themselves, but the *idea* of them waiting for you on the grocery store shelf? ...
I love simple, don't you?  I'll be honest here.  Sometimes outlining and flooding and bagging and be-ribboning and boxing and deli...
It's seems only fitting that the day I was making sugar & spice (and everything nice) cookies, my sister would call to tell me that ...
I've talked before about how my very favorite part of blogging is something that I never, ever expected.  I always thought the sugar wou...
You could call these Orange Creamsicle Cookies...but they're a little fancier than Creamsicles.  They have little flecks of vanilla be...
Remember Biscoffs?  Those little "airline cookies?"  We talked about them here . Well, I wondered if maybe, just maybe, I could u...
*sigh* The last Harry Potter movie comes out on Friday...and I'm just not ready. I've posted about my love of Harry and ...
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