I have been the biggest cherry lover for the longest time.  I guess it all stems back from my days working for Mary Engelbreit .  You just c...
It's Color Challenge time, you guys!!!  This time, the inspiration color was a sunny yellow for summer. I really had "sunshine c...
So , dudes.  Over the years, we've made: fried chicken cookies ( no, really ), beer and hot dog cookies , french fry cookies .  It was ...
For the past few months, I've been having stencil angst.  Yes, actual angst over an actual piece of plastic for cookie decorating.  For...
(my version of a day late and a dollar short.) So, I had good intentions of having these cookies ready for Cinco de Mayo.  It was an...
When Radiant Orchid was announced as the Color of the Year for 2014, I wasn't sure what to think.   I LOVE color.  LOVE.  (I have a...
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