You could also call these cookies Honeyed Fluffernutter Cookies. Or A Honey of a Peanut Butter Cookie. Or Marshmallow-Filled Honey Peanut Bu...
Back to school = back to cookies. {Not that I've taken a break from cookies over the summer or anything.} A funny thing happened whe...
I almost didn't get to eat these brownies. Mr. E requested some brownies to take to work and it wasn't until I was taking them out ...
Imagine if sugar cookie bars and a cherry pie got married. I like food marriages. Last week, I saw this macaroni & cheese pizza  a...
Tea with the Queen!  Pip, pip! Cheer-io! 'Ello Guv-na!  {That's all I can say with a British accent. I wonder if the Queen can spe...
Ah, does anything say summer like a cocktail sipped poolside under a big umbrella? {Recipe at the end of the post.} When the resort in y...
It's true.  I've already moved on from summer a bit.  There have been soft pumpkin cookies , and back-to-school cookies , but this...
There's one sure thing about the first day of school.  That sure thing is cookies. I don't always make chocolate chip cookies, but...
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