First, my most recent post on PW Food &Friends is up. Flour 101. It's all about flour: wheat flour. What, how, where, and when the ...
Tea with the Queen!  Pip, pip! Cheer-io! 'Ello Guv-na!  {That's all I can say with a British accent. I wonder if the Queen can spe...
{I think this is my favorite picture on the blog ever.} Kittens , bunnies, Bill Murray, Minions. All of these things rank at the top of...
{Please tell me that you pronounced that PARE-EE.} I've spent many of my cookie decorating years with a deep-seated fear. The fear ...
Birthdays...when we were growing up, my parents instituted a "birthday party rule."  Birthday PARTIES were every other year...on t...
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