I'm not even sure where to start on this post. Should I start with my love for quick breads or my January cravings for all things lemon...
How do we start the new year off on the right foot? Chocolate chip cookies, of course! Is there another way??? For ages, the urban l...
A whole new world opened up to me yesterday.  These flowers... ...they're made from CHOCOLATE! Chocolate, people!!! I'd heard ...
I couldn't just leave well enough alone with the skunk heart cookies . Seriously, I can almost feel a heart-animal cookie obsession st...
Chocolate Banana Muffins with COOKIE DOUGH Streusel. You read that right.  You know those recipes printed inside food product boxes? When I ...
For years, I've thought of making skunk cookies for Valentine's Day, but never really questioned why. It dawned on me not long ago.....
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