Cuts of meat: the only way to make a pink, decorated cookie look manly. When I saw this cookie cutter on etsy, I knew I must have it...
I mean, really....who says strawberry shortcake has to include whipped cream and cake?  (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) ...
I admit it.  I don't like watermelon. {Are we still friends?} What if I told you that I like watermelon-FLAVORED food?  Are we frien...
If I want a sure-fire dessert hit with my boys, I know exactly the combo to go to: peanut butter and chocolate. Enter Averie Sunshine...
It's true.  Men prefer pie over cake.  And by "men," I mean my husband and my dad, but I feel pretty safe making that generali...
You can bring home the bacon,  Fry it up in a pan, And then add it to some pancake batter, Just because you can... {If you are younge...
First, for all of you who thought immediately of Jan in Grease when you read that post title, I love you. Here's a clip . {Brush e...
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