Father's Day is SUNDAY! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!! Here are some dessert ideas that are Mr. E approved. (Well, they're all Mr. E appr...
Looking for recipe inspiration? I combed through the archives and analytics to find the most popular Bake at 350 recipes for March.  Let'...
  After making Frosted Animal Cookies , I guess I had store-bought cookies on the brain.  I had Nutter Butter Brain.  There was no stopping ...
I'm melting. I'm meeeeeeeltiiiiiiiiiiing!!! You, too? I'm not sure anyone is catching a break this summer. If it IS cool where y...
Honestly, any dessert that Dad loves is the perfect Father's Day dessert, but I thought I'd share a few favorites of Mr. E and my Da...
These are not your average, everyday turkey cookies.  {Wait... are there everyday turkey cookies?  Let's think about this.}   So,...
So, it's still 90 degrees outside. The sight of new pencils and notebooks in every color and, ah yes, even the dreaded school bus give m...
 Ok, pie haters. This post is for you.  14 November Dessert Recipes that AREN'T Pie
I never know whether to call them energy balls to protein balls or energy bites...but whatever the name, these chocolate brownie e...
Get your fainting couch ready . If you want a soft, dreamy chocolate chip cookie - I have the recipe for you. And I know it sounds...
Remember when I made those salted tahini chocolate chip cookies , and I told you to be on the lookout for tahini brownies? HERE THEY ARE!  I...
I'm a Bundt cake convert. Often, I found Bundt cakes to be heavy or dry. NOT THESE. The Bundt cake recipes here are moist, light, d...
Hey Howdy Hey! We're back with a new Trader Joe's review! Today, we're ( all three of us! ) reviewing TJ's Almond Bu...
This is our day, friends. It's National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! Below, you'll find 21 exceptional chocolate chip cookie recipes f...
...because you NEED one more treat for Valentine's Day. You do! These peanut butter blossom-ish cookies are made with Nutella inste...
Maybe you're a chocolate-dipped cone person. Or...a Blizzard fan. (Turtle pecan cluster for the win!) FUN FACT: my dad's f...
Totally, totally appropriate to call something "trashed-up" for a baby shower...IF it is a baby shower for How Sweet Eats . ;) J...
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