I was the girl who *always* had a "crush" on a boy.  ALWAYS.  I think it started about 5th grade and went all the way through co...
  One in six people is living at risk of hunger in America. However, there is hope and there are ways to help.  Land O’Lakes has partnered ...
Ooo...you guys are in for such a treat today!  Have you met Glory of the blog Glorious Treats ?  Glory makes all kinds of beautiful desserts...
You know how sometimes a dessert isn't the most gorgeous thing in the world, but it IS the most delicious? This is the case with th...
...dandelions. OK, so maybe they're technically weeds , but they are so hard not to love. Come on over to Parade to see the tuto...
Every year, the end of April/beginning of May means one thing around our house: horse cookies. Surrounded by horses for weeks, this is th...
Alrighty , let's talk about the rest of those Texas Cookies. (Remember the cookies ?  And part one ?  Ok...good.) By far, I've ...
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