Is there ANYTHING chocolate doesn't pair well with? Chocolate and peanut butter, chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and coffee, well...we...
Guys, this bread is SO easy to put together. Even though it's carrot bread, there's no grating of carrots!!! It's made with...
Maybe you're coming down off of an Easter candy high. Raise your hand if you had a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg for Easter breakfast. #...
There are so many things I love about these watercolor cookies:  1. They're not my idea. ;) The inspiration and technique for these ...
Painted Rose cookies for Mother's Day... Cookie inspiration really is EVERYWHERE !  Seriously, look to your right.  That thing right th...
Kristen and I met over Hostess cupcakes. OK, not really.  Our family moved in next door to hers.  Two introverted moms who said hello i...
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