If you happened to pop by Bake at 350 last June, you may have noticed that the entire month was declared " Desserts for Dudes mont...
Still deciding what to make for a St. Patrick's Day dessert?  May I suggest.... Mint Cream Cheese Brownies ? Not only are they fudge...
Have you heard of Baked ?  The bakery in New York and South Carolina?  Maybe you've heard of the  Baked: New Frontiers in Baking cookb...
Aren't they pretty? These are Pretzel M&M's.  Have you seen them?  After Peanut M&M's, these are my new favorites. Pl...
{more on these in a minute...} We all have causes that tug at our heartstrings whether it's baking cakes for children in foster care , ...
Psst. Hi. It's me. I have to interrupt this post to tell you that there's an UPDATED version of my caramel brownie recipe here . It&...
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