I'll tell you why I love scrubs of any kind.  It's because I feel thinner when my fat is exfoliated.  {There, I said it.} Really,...
Eat more cheesecake.  Yep, I think it's the perfect New Year's resolution.   {It sure sounds more fun than "eat more greens.&...
I want you to run out to your store right now and look for Meyer lemons... ...THEN, even if you don't buy them, I want you to pick up...
...LOVE (cookies). When I saw this cookie cutter in the Fancy Flours catalog, I knew immediately that I must have it. You're pr...
I've always been a "cat person."  If you follow me on Instagram , you might think I'm more of a "crazy cat lady"...
Every year about this time, I start dreaming of strawberries.  Sure, I love Honeycrisp apples and Clementines, but for me, strawberries are ...
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