Let me tell you how scrumptious this ice cream pie is. I served it after dinner two nights ago and Mr. E exclaimed, "This is EASILY ...
Father's Day is SUNDAY! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!! Here are some dessert ideas that are Mr. E approved. (Well, they're all Mr. E appr...
Honestly, any dessert that Dad loves is the perfect Father's Day dessert, but I thought I'd share a few favorites of Mr. E and my Da...
It. Is. Hot. Outside. School started for many of our area school today, nevermind the fact that the actual high temperature was 102. Heat in...
We want to make sure you guys are ready for Fat Tuesday. I had something else in my cart to review but put it back as soon as I spied th...
I have this problem.  I have perfectly wonderful recipes...recipes that I love...that my family loves...but, I still feel the need to try ...
We're fans of Trader Joe's Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream Cones. In the past, we've reviewed the Chocolate Hold the Co...
I'm melting. I'm meeeeeeeltiiiiiiiiiiing!!! You, too? I'm not sure anyone is catching a break this summer. If it IS cool where y...
Remember this ice cream pie that I made a few weeks ago? My husband ranked it in his "top 5" desserts of all time, but I was a ...
Why I let this wedding gift sit unused for 6 years, I'll never know. This baby works for me !!! If you have an ice cream maker sitting...
I'm a chocolate girl at heart, but sometimes a citrus-y dessert is just the ticket! Have you tried Lime Oil or Natural Lime Powder ? K...
{Be sure to visit this page: Ice Cream Pie, Revisited for an even yummier, more decadent version!} Have you seen the Turtle Ice Cream Pie ...
Before we start in on apple and pumpkin recipes, can we have a little more lemon? Mark's birthday was last week, and, per usual, ...
When I saw this deliciousness over at recipegirl.com ( great site!), well, I knew it was a must make...and a must make NOW!!! :) This in...
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